
Healthcare, E-commerce

Access Rehab

Transforming customer experience beyond the checkout

Customer Experience


Through a continuous process of experimentation, research, and validation, my mission was to transform the e-commerce experience, focusing on streamlining internal processes and enhancing the checkout flow to drive better business outcomes. The sales, marketing, and branding processes were fragmented, leading to inefficiencies that significantly impacted business operations, and issues with the e-commerce platform's technical side were resulting in high cart abandonment rates.

Project Details


Healthcare, E-commerce

Access Rehab

Transforming customer experience beyond the checkout

Customer Experience


Through a continuous process of experimentation, research, and validation, my mission was to transform the e-commerce experience, focusing on streamlining internal processes and enhancing the checkout flow to drive better business outcomes. The sales, marketing, and branding processes were fragmented, leading to inefficiencies that significantly impacted business operations, and issues with the e-commerce platform's technical side were resulting in high cart abandonment rates.

Project Details


Healthcare, E-commerce

Access Rehab

Transforming customer experience beyond the checkout

Customer Experience


Through a continuous process of experimentation, research, and validation, my mission was to transform the e-commerce experience, focusing on streamlining internal processes and enhancing the checkout flow to drive better business outcomes. The sales, marketing, and branding processes were fragmented, leading to inefficiencies that significantly impacted business operations, and issues with the e-commerce platform's technical side were resulting in high cart abandonment rates.

Project Details


What I Did

One of our first actions was to gather customer feedback to build shared understanding of who our patients were. This initiative was pivotal in helping the team gain a deep understanding of our clients' needs, which in turn informed our design decisions and strategy alignment.

We identified that the company was focusing on vanity metrics¹ that did not accurately reflect our performance or customer satisfaction. To address this, we introduced new Key Performance Indicators¹ (KPIs) that offered genuine insights into our business operations and customer engagement. Plus, recognizing the limitations of an ad-based marketing approach, I spearheaded a shift towards a product-led strategy. This change was aimed at leveraging our products' strengths to drive marketing efforts, rather than relying solely on advertising.

Part of my approach as a designer is to think holistically, not only on parts I'm directily in charge but anything that could improve further the product's experience.To better align with our company values and resonate with our target audience, I initiated a brand refresh; this involved updating our visual identity and messaging to more accurately reflect who we are and what we do.

Next we set on a big change of our e-commerce platform. The focus was on improving the checkout flow and integrating modern features.

¹ KPIs and metrics are both quantitative measurements, but they are used for different purposes. KPIs are tied to specific goals and are used for measuring performance against set objectives. Metrics, on the other hand, are much broader and include various data points used for analysis, but may not directly align with key objectives



The introduction of new KPIs and a strategic shift towards a product-led approach resulted in optimized internal processes, additionally, the brand refresh and strategic adjustments opened up new business opportunities, expanding our market share and alignment of our products with patient expectations, leading a 30% increase in revenue directly attributed to our new strategies.

Implementing a data-driven strategy through the adoption of Objectives and Key Results (OKRs), alongside the new KPIs and metrics, enabled more informed decision-making and a clearer path to achieving our business objectives, marking a step in Access Rehab's goals towards a patient-centered business.