Entertainment, Art

Pixiv Charcoal

Creating a compeling icon set for Pixiv's Charcoal design system


Design Systems

At Pixiv, a renowned Japanese online community for artists, I had the privilege of participating in the iconography project that sought to enrich the visual communication across our suite of products.

Collaborating with a dedicated team, we embarked on a journey to establish a cohesive visual language that would resonate with our diverse user base.

Project Details


Entertainment, Art

Pixiv Charcoal

Creating a compeling icon set for Pixiv's Charcoal design system


Design Systems

At Pixiv, a renowned Japanese online community for artists, I had the privilege of participating in the iconography project that sought to enrich the visual communication across our suite of products.

Collaborating with a dedicated team, we embarked on a journey to establish a cohesive visual language that would resonate with our diverse user base.

Project Details


Entertainment, Art

Pixiv Charcoal

Creating a compeling icon set for Pixiv's Charcoal design system


Design Systems

At Pixiv, a renowned Japanese online community for artists, I had the privilege of participating in the iconography project that sought to enrich the visual communication across our suite of products.

Collaborating with a dedicated team, we embarked on a journey to establish a cohesive visual language that would resonate with our diverse user base.

Project Details


The challenge was to create iconography that was both expressive and functional, bridging the gap between artistic form and practicality.

Through an iterative process, we defined the stylistic parameters for the icons, ensuring that each symbol adhered to a philosophy of simplicity and accessibility.


The result of our effort were the creation of over 200 crafted icons, each embodying a soft, rounded design to evoke a sense of warmth and approachability.


The icons have been integrated into Pixiv's design system, becoming a resource for our product teams.

The new icon set is already making its mark, as it is being utilized in current releases, creating a more harmonious and user-friendly interface across Pixiv platforms.